Summary: Social Media is messier than ever. Do you have an old school air popcorn popper? You know when you get down to the last couple dozen kernels and they scatter every which way when popped? That's basically state of social media right now. I’ve started and...
Reminder to Review Social Media
Time to Review Your Social Media The last month or so has been rocky for social media sites. Facebook laid off a lot of people, and then Twitter was sold and subsequently decimated. What does this mean for small business’s approach to social marketing? First, it's a...
Mailchimp Certified
I have not one, but two exciting announcements - Cow and Rooster is now both a Member of Mailchimp's Partner Program AND Mailchimp Certified. I've been a huge fan of Mailchimp's products for a long time, becoming a member of the Partner Program and earning my...
What is SEO?
What is SEO? Are you confused about what SEO is? You are not alone. I came across this article by Fractl the other day about a survey of what people know about SEO. Turns out not much! One third of business owners do not possess even a basic grasp of Search Engine...
GSuite for Small Businesses
Google Suite for Small Businesses I started off writing this a couple of weeks ago, and the world has changed since then. But a service like GSuite is even more valuable to small businesses now. Originally this was to be a post about the importance of backing up your...
Email Signature
Do you use an email signature? An email signature can be an easy (and often free) way make it easier for people to get in touch with you, highlight a product or service or just connect with you on social media. Depending on your email, the best response is sometimes a...